SGG + aQuarius Records Take SXSW

SXSW is indeed a big, dumb, shit-show, or “a self serving hoke of indie mememe! screemers” as our friend Matthew Bower says, but, just like last year, we’re making it worth attending…

Saturday, March 17 2012….

SAMESACK – cruel heaviness from members of Butthole Surfers, Shit & Shine, Rubble, Todd, etc…

VAZ – NYC creep-rock mainstays who have dominated forever as Hammerhead, Vaz, and GasWar…

SUBMISSIONS – post-industrial dirge duo with the unlikely resume of Best Coast, The For Carnation, The Pope, Goliath Bird Eater, Bipolar Bear, German Army, etc…

THE SUPREME DICKS – living legends of outsider psychedelic indie rock…

SHIT AND SHINE – British invasion of pounding, rhythmic, droning, heavy artillery art rock…

NIGHT CONTROL – noise-pop perfection from the past/distant future…

PRIZEHOG – this local slo-mo psychedelic sludge power trio return for an encore aQ SXSW performance….

LEATHER SKY – ugly, unhinged hardcore from inside the bunker, with ties to Epileptinomicon, MjolniirDXP, Deth Spa, etc….

HEX MACHINE – psyched to finally see these Virginia crushers live, their sound equal parts gnarled Voivod-ish math metal and grunge infused Amrep style noise…

…possible surprises, daily breakfasts at Tamale House #3, the works…more info to come……WATCH THIS SPACE.

1906 E. 12th St., Austin, TX 78702